Academic activities

Conferences/Seminars Organization

  • Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory Seminar
  • Arithmetic cycles, modular forms, and L-functions – a celebration of the mathematics of Henri Darmon, Montreal, summer 2025
  • Réunion d’hiver de la SMC 2024, Vancouver, session sur Aspects arithmétiques des représentations galoisiennes
  • CMS winter meeting 2023, Montreal, Scientific Organizing Committee
  • CMS summer meeting 2023, Ottawa, Arithmetic Aspects of Automorphic Forms session
  • CMS winter meeting 2021 in Vancouver, Galois representations and L-functions  session
  • CMS 75th+1 anniversary summer meeting, Ottawa, Algebraic Number Theory session
  • CRM Thematic semester: Number Theory – Cohomology in Arithmetic, Fall 2020
  • 15th Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association
  • Québec-Maine Number Theory Conference
  • Algebra and Number Theory Seminars at Laval University
  • Study groups at Laval University
  • CMS winter meeting 2015 in Montreal, Algebraic Number Theory session

Invited Talks

  • On Mazur’s growth number conjecture, Quebec-Maine Number Theory Conference, October 2024
  • Iwasawa theory of isogeny graphs and zeta functions, CRM Number Theory Seminars, August 2024
  • Asymptotic growth of elliptic curves over anticyclotomic extensions – applications of plus and minus Iwasawa theory, CNTA XVI, Fields Institute, Toronto, June 2024 
  • Iwasawa theory of isogeny graphs with level structures, Vistas in Number Theory, Brin Mathematics Research Center, University of Maryland, June 2024
  • Anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves, UTRGV Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, May 2024
  • Iwasawa Theory and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, UTRGV Colloquium, April 2024
  • Iwasawa theory of isogeny graphs with level structures, UCD Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, February 2024
  • Iwasawa theory of isogeny graphs with level structures, Fields Number Theory Seminar, February 2024
  • Anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves, Queen’s Number Theory Seminar, November 2023
  • Asymptotic formula for Tate–Shafarevich groups of p-supersingular elliptic curves over anticyclotomic extensions, UT Austin Number Theory Seminars, November 2023
  • Mini-course on Iwasawa theory, Université Laval, October 2023
  • On ordinary isogeny graphs with level structure, Maine-Quebec Number Theory Conference, September 2023
  • Anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves at supersingular primes, Johns Hopkins Number Theory Seminar, February 2023
  • Constructing local points on supersingular elliptic curves, Number Theory Seminars, Concordia University, February 2023
  • 2 talks on The Perrin-Riou Map and its Use in Iwasawa Theory, Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems, MSRI-SLMath, January 2023
  • La théorie d’Iwasawa anticyclotomique pour les courbes elliptiques : le cas supersingulier, séminaire arithmétique, l’Université de Lille, November 2022
  • 2 talks on Introduction to the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves, Algebra and Number Theory seminars, University College Dublin, October 2022
  • Colloquium on Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture via Iwasawa Theory, University College Dublin, October 2022
  • Mini-course on Euler systems and Beilinson-Flach elements, Elliptic curves and the special values of L-functions, ICTS, August 2022
  • Asymptotic formula for Tate–Shafarevich groups of p-supersingular elliptic curves over anticyclotomic extensions, International conference on p-adic L-functions and eigenvarieties, University of Notre Dame, July 2022
  • Asymptotic formula for Tate–Shafarevich groups of p-supersingular elliptic curves over anticyclotomic extensions, Iwasawa theory Virtual Seminar, March 2022
  • Iwasawa theory over imaginary quadratic fields for inert primes, Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Seminar, Columbia University, December 2021
  • Anticyclotomic Selmer groups for CM elliptic curves at inert primes, Maine-Québec Number Theory Conference, October 2021
  • Some recent development on the Iwasawa theory of fine Selmer groups, Number Theory in the Americas, special session at the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, July 2021
  • Sur la sturcture algébrique du groupe de Mordell-Weil fin, Amicale de théorie des nombres en hommage à Robert Langlands, CMS 75th+1 anniversary summer meeting, June 2021
  • Semi-ordinary Iwasawa theory for Rankin-Selberg products, L-values and Iwasawa theory, NCTS online conference, November 2020
  • Bounded Euler systems for Rankin-Selberg products of modular forms, UBC Number Theory Seminar, March 2020
  • Bounded Euler systems for Rankin-Selberg products of modular forms, Caltech Number Theory Seminar, February 2020
  • Congruences of anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions, Maine-Québec Number Theory Conference, October 2019
  • Codimension two cycles and tensor products of Hida families, Recent advances in the arithmetic of Galois representations, Genova, July 2019 
  • Codimension two cycles and tensor products of Hida families, p–adic modular forms, satellite conference to Journées Arithmétiques XXXI, Istanbul, July 2019 
  • Growth of Mordell-Weil ranks of elliptic curves, Journées Arithmétiques XXXI, Istanbul, July 2019 
  • Pseudo-null modules and codimension two cycles for supersingular elliptic curves, Iwasawa 2019, Bordeaux, June 2019 
  • An algebraic toolbox in Iwasawa theory, University College Dublin, November 2018 
  • Towards a rank-two Euler system via Wach modules, Iwasawa Theory and Related Topics, Heidelberg, May 2018
  • Lecture series on Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves with supersingular reduction, PIMS, March 2018
  • Mordell-Weil ranks of elliptic curves over a tower of extensions, University of Pennsylvania, January 2018
  • Second Chern Classes for Supersingular Elliptic Curves, Maine-Québec Number Theory Conference, October 2017
  • Mini course on cyclotomic units, Introductory Workshop on Euler Systems and Special Values of L-functions, Bernoulli Center, Lausanne, August 2017
  • Beilinson-Flach elements and finiteness of sha, Recent Developments on Elliptic Curves, Clay Mathematics Institute workshop, Oxford, September 2016
  • Iwasawa theory of modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields, 14th Meeting of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Calgary, June 2016
  • Asymptotic behaviour of the Shafarevich-Tate groups of modular forms, University of Texas at Austin, October 2015
  • Asymptotic behaviour of the Shafarevich-Tate groups of modular forms, Maine-Québec Number Theory Conference, October 2015
  • Beilinson-Flach elements on products of modular curves and modular surfaces, Workshop “p-adic methods in the theory of classical automorphic forms”, CRM, Montreal, March 2015
  • Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves over Zp^2-extensions, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, January 2015
  • Universal norm of crystalline classes, CMS winter meeting, Hamilton, December 2014
  • Integral Iwasawa theory of p-adic representations at non-ordinary primes, AMS Fall Sectional Meeting, Halifax, October 2014
  • Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves over Zp^2-extensions, Québec-Maine Number Theory Conference, September 2014
  • Integral Iwasawa theory of p-adic representations at non-ordinary primes, University at Buffalo, September 2014
  • Siegel units and Euler systems, Princeton University/IAS Number Theory Seminar, February 2014
  • Lecture series on Siegel units and Euler systems for modular forms, National Taiwan University, January 2014
  • Iwasawa theory of abelian varieties at supersingular primes, CMS Winter meeting, Ottawa, December 2013
  • Euler systems for modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields, McMaster University, December 2013
  • On the finiteness of Selmer groups, Waikato University, May 2013 
  • Euler system for Rakin-Selberg convolution, Québec-Vermont Number Theory Seminar, January 2013  
  • Beilinson-Flach elements for the Rankin-Selberg convolution, CMS winter meeting, Montreal, December 2012 
  • p-adic L-functions for symmetric powers of modular forms of CM type, Québec-Vermont Number Theory Seminar,March 2012 
  • p-adic L-functions for symmetric powers of modular forms of CM typeUniversité Laval, February 2012 
  • Signed Selmer groups via p-adic Hodge theory, University of Nottingham, July 2011 
  • A reformulation of Kato’s main conjecture for modular forms, Algebraische Zahlentheorie, Oberwolfach, June 2011 
  • Elementary divisors and Iwasawa theory for modular forms, University of Warwick, May 2011 
  • Aspects of non-commutative Iwasawa theory at supersingular prime, Université Bordeaux 1, April 2011 
  • Elementary divisors and p-adic Hodge theory, Victorian Algebra Conference, November 2010 
  • Iwasawa theory for modular forms, University of Melbourne, October 2010 
  • Iwasawa theory for modular forms and Wach modules II, London Number Theory Seminar, May 2010 
  • Plus/Minus p-adic L-functions at a supersingular prime, l’Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, March 2010
  • Iwasawa theory for modular forms and Wach modules, Université Bordeaux 1, March 2010 
  • p-adic L-functions of modular forms at supersingular primes, University of Exeter, February 2010 
  • Iwasawa theory for modular forms at supersingular primes, University of Cambridge, October 2008 


  • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, April-May 2024
  • University College Dublin, February 2024
  • University of Texas at Austin, November 2023
  • MSRI-SLMath, April-May 2023
  • University College Dublin, September-December 2022
  • PIMS, mars 2020
  • Caltech, février 2020
  • University College Dublin, November 2018
  • PIMS, March 2018
  • University of Warwick, November 2016
  • University of Texas at Austin, October 2015
  • University of Regensburg, July 2015
  • National Taiwan University, January 2014
  • Waikato University, May 2013
  • Université Bordeaux 1, April 2011
  • University of Warwick, March-July 2011
  • Institut Henri Poincaré, January-March 2010